Kissaki-Kai Karate-Do
Kissaki-Kai membership
Welcome to the Kissaki family! We look forward to having you as a new member!
This page is for you,
- if you want to join Kissaki as an individual for the first time,
- if you want to renew your membership, or
- if you would like to register your club with the Kissaki-Kai Karate-Do Association.
Below a number of useful forms or simply send an e-mail with your question to: info@kissaki-kai.com
Individual membership:
- Worldwide: Please fill out the form below and send to eva@kissaki-kai.com
- UK: Please contact our UK Chief Instructor, Don Came for membership.
- Memberships run from the 1.Jan to 31. Dec of any year.
Dan application form
Instructors and clubs
The next documents are really just templates: You can download, chop and change the Membership Consent form and the Code of Conduct to suit your club. Neither document is a must, however, we recommend you have some sort of formal club document for your new members to complete when they join.
Child protection
All children have a right to protection from abuse, violence and exploitation. Kissaki-Kai works to create a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults to benefit from our programs.
All instructors and members should be made aware of the two documents below and you should have them available on request: